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 Our Vision



​​For more than 60 years this community has grown and evolved around three founding principles: listening to the still small voice within, co-creation with the intelligence of nature, and work as love in action.  As we start a new iteration of the journey - with full democratic ownership, leadership and decision making - those founding roots still run deep, underpinning the community's steps forward.

In the short term, EF sees our role as securing the assets into community ownership. In the longer term, re-energising the legacy, through offering educational programmes and continuing to experiment with and demonstrate sustainable, regenerative and spiritual ways of living.

me n Sylvia flowers for hustings June 2024.jpg



With most of the community involved (367 of us) and many investing or subscribing (180 so far including global members)  we see the buy-in as a wonderful opportunity to pull together and move forward in a unified, effective way. Please join us!


The specific language of the community's vision is emerging, but we know we will continue to be in service: to planet and people, informed by Spirit, aiming for the Highest Good.


For now, a bold vision from one of our team is: “to become a diverse, dynamic, experimental demonstration centre for personal and planetary transformation, supporting the evolution of human consciousness in order to create a vibrant, life-sustaining, ecological civilisation”.


Or as our youngest Board member, Tessa puts it: “let’s Make Findhorn Sexy again!”. 

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